The Wendy Dawn is powered by a 300 hp Mitzubishi Diesel Engine Model 6D16T (Turbo). This is a popular workhorse type of engine often used in Commercial trucks, Buses, Forklifts, Construction & Mining Machinery.
As of now there are approx. 13,000 hours on this engine, 8000 of which I have put on in the last 10 years.
The boat does about 13 knots at full speed, Cruising at 7-9 knots depending on tide and weather. Mileage is approx. 3-4 gallons per hour, which can be reduced by running a little bit slower.
I installed new aluminum fuel tanks (2) in 2014, with total capacity about 900 Litres or 200 Imperial Gallons.
This is a Keel - Cooled Engine, with Coolant running through Copper Pipes along the lower vessel hull. These were replaced in 2016?